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UKRAINIAN FOOD EXPO 2018 - December 12-14, 2018
23 August 2018 18:28

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December 12-14, 2018
Kyiv, Ukraine


Ukrainian Food Expo is a business platform that brings together experienced suppliers and large retailers, food distributors and buyer pools from all over the world to introduce them to their counterparts in Ukraine for pragmatic business negotiations on food sector.

Within the framework of trade fair there will be specialized expositions of suppliers to equipment, technologies and services to the industry; local producers of farm and craft products “From field to fork”; Ukrainian producers of fresh fruits, berries and vegetables “Fresh zone”.

Details: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9OJzaRZU87YTGFaNmhDVHhDZmM

Official web-page of the event: http://ufexpo.com.ua/en_GB/

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