The order of consular legalization of official documents is established by the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, 1963, international treaties and the current legislation of Ukraine. Legalization is the procedure of verifying the authenticity of the original of the official documents or certifying the authenticity of the signatures of the officials authorized to certify the signatures on the documents, as well as the validity of the stamps, seals affixed to the document for the purpose of using it abroad. Legalization in the prescribed manner of the document gives him the right to exist in international circulation.
Legalization is not subject to:
In case of doubt that the submitted documents are in accordance with the laws of Ukraine or the country of residence, the consular officer has the right to contact the competent authorities of the respective state or the relevant authorities in Ukraine for official clarification.
When submitting official documents for consular legalization:
The consular legalization takes 5 business days (regular procedure) or 1 business day (expedited).
If the application is submitted by a representative of a person or legal entity, an order or other document confirming the authority to act on behalf of this person or entity should be submitted.
A consular fees are as follows:
Consular fee could be paid by the Money Order (Bank Draft) (NOT a personal cgeque) payable to the Embassy of Ukraine.
Pre-authentication of the document by Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Canada is required before the consular legalization:
Pre-authentication of the document by the relevant office of Provincial Government is required before the consular legalization:
The prepaid return envelope with the applicants address on it should be added to get back the legalized documents.